So yo may ask why? The reason is simple-- in newer cities and in the suburbs, sewage and storm water is separated in different pipes. In the older parts of town, all of the water goes into a combined sewer and when it rains hard, there is a "combined sewage overflow" meaning it all hits the river without being processed at the sewer plant. Raintainers can help buffer the surge from a heavy downpour and keep the combined overflow problem from happening. It's a relatively cheap and extremely way to clean the environment.
SD1 customers who purchase the Raintainer will help their city become "The Greenest City" in Northern Kentucky. SD1 will recognize the city that purchases the most Raintainers with the Green City Award. SD1 will give the award to the city that purchases the most Raintainers per citizen, based on each individual city's population. SD1 will also be tracking the results for each city and posting them on www.sd1.org/rainbarrels. The cost of the Raintainer is $124.88. Order forms and other information about the Raintainer can be found at www.sd1.org/rainbarrels. Order February 1st through March 23rd, 2009. They will be available for pick up on April 18, 2009 at SD1's main office at 1045 Eaton Dr., Ft. Wright.